Battle of jakku not ing
Battle of jakku not ing

battle of jakku not ing

But whilst you can speculate over what Han, Leia, and Chewie have been up to for the last thirty or so years, it seems like someone definitely took time out to do a little lightsaber hunting. And Chewie? Well it's probably safe to say that he goes where ever Han goes. There's suggestions that they're married, and Han and Chewie were just on some sort of mission in Jakku although others have theorised that the two lovebirds broke up and the reason why Leia looks so distraught in the trailer is that that was the first time they've seen each other in a while.

battle of jakku not ing

As for Han and Leia's relationship, no one knows what is going on there either. So what have they been up to in these last thirty or so years? Did Han and Leia get married or break up? The trailer seems to suggest that Chewie and Han were bro-ing it up on the Millennium Falcon in Jakku like old times whilst no one has any clue what Leia has been doing. What€™s Han, Leia, And Chewie Been Up To All These Years? When everyone last saw Han, Leia, and Chewie, the battle on Endor was won, the Ewoks were going nuts, Leia got shot and found out that Luke was her brother, Han had to deal with the fact that Leia and Luke may or may not have been involved in some Lannister-esque relationship, and Chewie was just being Chewie.

Battle of jakku not ing